Concurrent Hello with Erlang
A concurrent Hello World with Erlang
Posted on Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:01:00 MST by Aaron Bieber
I recently picked up a copy of Joe Armstrong’s superb Programming Erlang book ( from the folks @ ). While reading the chapter on concurrent programming I was completely stumped by one of the examples. It basically creates a “server” and “client” and allows for message passing between the two. I found it very difficult to follow the passing of messages from a to b, and back.
Enter chello.erl
! I created a slightly modified version of Joe’s example that uses some io:format
to tell you what’s going on. Hope someone finds this useful.
-module (chello).
-export ([loop/0, rpc/2]).
rpc(Pid, Request) ->
io:format("rpc[~p] sending ~p to ~p~n", [self(), Request, Pid]),
Pid ! {self(), Request},
Response ->
io:format("rpc[~p] responding with : ~p~n", [self(), Response]),
loop() ->
{From, {hello}} ->
io:format("loop[~p] received info from: ~p~n", [self(), From]),
From ! {self(), "Hello"},
{From, {goodbye}} ->
io:format("loop[~p] received info from: ~p~n", [self(), From]),
From ! {self(),"Goodbye"},
{From, Other} ->
io:format("loop[~p] received info from: ~p~n", [self, From]),
From ! {self(),{error, Other}},
Run from the erl shell with:
1> Pid = spawn(fun chello:loop/0).
2> chello:rpc(Pid, {hello}).
rpc[<0.31.0>] sending {hello} to <0.38.0>
loop[<0.38.0>] received info from: <0.31.0>
rpc[<0.31.0>] responding with : {<0.38.0>,”Hello”}