Experiments in Bone Carving - part one
Bone carving failure with a side of success!
Posted on Sun, 08 Mar 2015 13:00:00 MDT by Aaron Bieber
Beard Comb - first attempt!
I have been interested in bone carving for some time now, but it hasn’t been until recently that I have actually started doing it! It is proving to be a fun and challenging hobby!
Today’s project was a Beard Comb carved from a rib bone! In hind sight, rib might not have been the best choice for this particular project. The bone is very strong length wise, as that is the direction of the “grain”. This makes for weak teeth.
Some other valuable lessons I learned while undertaking this are:
- Use of a jig is very important.
- Remove all material to form the shape of your project prior to diving into aspects like the teeth of the comb.
- Pick the right bone for the job.
- Pencil rubs off fast.
While I was able to “finish” the comb, it isn’t very useful. I broke off three teeth while cutting them out (torqued the saw just a bit when taking it out of the slot). The teeth are also too thick which prevents the comb from actually being used.